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​“If we succumb to fear, we start holding back, and do that all-too-common dance of getting close, then pulling away. When we remember that our safe harbor depends on our awareness and honesty, we're less likely to make internal compromises, put on masks, or act like a chameleon to attract a partner or keep a hurtful relationship together. If we live by truth, we may have pain, but we will always rest securely in ourselves.” 
Charlotte Kasl


​Are you dating currently or thinking about getting back into it, and feel like you could use more support? 

Are you sick of going at dating alone - navigating ghosting, miscommunications, isolation, and constant hits to your self-esteem and sense of value? Are you about to throw in the towel after working harder than you feel you should to find a genuine connection? Are you hungry to meet others who share your growth mindset and approach to dating?

If the Buddha Dated, by Charlotte Kasl, Ph.D. is an inspiring book about how to walk through your dating life like it's a spiritual path.  If the Buddha Dated Book Club is a transformational group focused on mindfulness and dating and designed to support you in realizing your dating goals. In it, you will learn tools for navigating dating, set dating goals, and create weekly action plans to support your intentions for healthier, more fulfilling connections.  

Join our facilitator and a group of mindful, committed singles to dive deeper into the insights and wisdom of this best-selling book.  Experience how self-knowledge can help create more joy, connection, beauty, and love in your life. 

In this life-changing group for singles ready for love and transformation, you will take the wisdom and insights from the book into your life as you learn and practice tools for creating real, meaningful relationships that nurture your growth and personal development.

Group discussion is guided by themes and topics that participants resonate with in the book and their own lives.  

“Staying loyal to your journey means you never abandon yourself by compromising your integrity or discounting your intuition or the signals that come from your body—the knot in the gut, emotional detachment, or loss of energy that signals something is amiss.” 
Charlotte Kasl


If The Buddha Dated Book Club
 is a weekly support group for deep daters who experience:

  • Wanting support to get over a breakup
  • Feeling ready to start dating but facing feelings of inertia, stuckness, or overwhelm
  • Feeling jaded and "over" dating
  • Feelings of anxiety and/or low self-esteem related to dating
  • Repetitive patterns in dating and a feeling of "stuckness" 
  • Difficulty getting or staying motivated to date 
  • Lack of clarity about how to proceed with dating or a current relationship
  • Feelings of isolation, disconnection, and missing a sense of community 
  • Feelings of frustration that no matter how much you "try," the results don't seem to change


Benefits to daters include:

  • Feel inspired and supported to date again
  • Build connections with others who share your values
  • Get support around moving on and letting go
  • Feel more motivation to go deeper in your dating and growth process
  • Increase clarity in your love life
  • Amplify your intention to bring more love into your life
  • Feel more connection in your relationships and in your life
  • Establish healthy supportive relationships and community where you can relate more deeply and authentically with people who share your values

"You will begin to recognize long-held beliefs that have been shaping much of your behavior, and you will move beyond them with a new awareness that frees you from the past and allows you to see others clearly, so you can create a spiritual union that you can trust."

-Charlotte Kasl


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